REVIEW! CHECK Best Buy Lowest Price Guarantee! Of 500 Freshwater Aquarium Fish: A Visual Reference to the Most Popular Species
Product Description
Expert advice on freshwater aquarium fish.
Illustrated in full color, this comprehensive reference includes 500 of the most popular freshwater aquarium fish. It provides concise at-a-glance information on their behavior, diet and breeding, along with a recommended aquarium setup. Practical and well organized, this book is tailored to the needs of a wide range of freshwater-aquarium hobbyists.
A key decision for the aquarium owner, and also one of the most fun to make, is choosing the fish for a tank. 500 Freshwater Aquarium Fish is a "window shopping" trip, with an expert alongside to offer crucial advice. This thorough directory details every appropriate species. While most of the fish featured require a heated aquarium, there are other popular varieties, such as goldfish, that can be kept in an unheated one.
With more than 500 color photographs, the book is organized by major fish groups, among them:
- Cichlids, including angelfish and discus
- Catfish
- Cyprinids, including barbs, danios, koi and goldfish
- Characoids, including tetras, neons and piranhas
- Oaches and suckers
- Gouramis, including bettas, paradise fish and snakeheads
- Rainbow fish and blue-eyes
- Livebearers, including mollies and platies.
This comprehensive and useful reference, edited by a highly respected expert, will be welcomed by amateur fishkeepers of any age and expertise.
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500 Freshwater Aquarium Fish: A Visual Reference to the Most Popular Species