Now you can fit a beautiful aquarium into any home and decor with the newly restyled Aqueon Mini-Bow Desktop Aquarum Kit. The Mini-Bow 2.5 is small enough for a desk, bedside table, or countertop and comes with almost everything you need to get started. An integrated Aqueon filter and cartridge, 15W incandescent lighted hood and bulb, fish food, water conditioner and detailed set-up and care instructions are included. You supply the gravel, decorations, water and fish to suit your aesthetic desires! Great for any small aquarium fish, including bettas, tetras, danios and other similar species.

After the most recent demise of my last Betta- Hot Temper, who bless his heart, lived 2 years in a 1 gallon fish bowl, I found myself in a fish store (not so soon after, I did mourn the little guy). Wandering about I could not deny my instant love for a feisty beautiful little guy the size of a small drapery tassel, I brought him home (instant gratification and instant love is my middle name)...and proceeded to give him 'Hot Temper's' life all over again ( a bowl), but this time I thought he might benefit from living at work with me (I work all the time) forward to cute little fish, living on my desk, and between calls me looking up just what might make him happy (er)...I come to a sudden realization that I sucked as a fish mom(formerly) and needed to give the little guy what he truly deserved, more oxygen, more "toys", more room and heat. I bought this little aquarium wonder (w/a black top),bye bye bowl, and wow have I got one happy fish! This tank is an easy set up,the filter (that worried me sick) is great, it will not swallow or eat your Betta (as far as I can tell so far...thank goodness!),he is not struggling through any major currents and as far as I can tell, he is a happy camper (or show off). I purchased a small heater to keep his temp at what is most conducive to his normal habitat, my Betta is making bubbles nests, and showing off like a full finned champ. I always thought I had a happy Betta, until now, this fish is unbelievably active and showy. I know it's a fish, but he sure reminds me of a puppy with fins! I love this little tank, perfect on a desk top, easy to set up, perfect for a Betta (just buy a heater, plants, gravel and hiding nook and you're set!) Love this!!
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